We are a small group of entrepreneurs with different knowledge and experiences who together want to help people on their way to financial independence. Although it is our personal mission and we are very passionate about helping all clients towards Financial Independence, we are not licensed financial advisors. We have the very best interests of every client, as well as visitors to our website businessinvestors.info. We always try to advise you to spread your risk, not to make unnecessary risks and, for example, give tips on only investing with money you can miss 100%. But again, we are not an investment advisor in any shape or form. Therefore please read carefully the information or disclaimer below, as well as the full disclaimer in article 17 from the general terms and conditions, which is also described again below.
The User acknowledges and accepts that this disclaimer applies to all information shared by Business Investors on the website and products of thehappyinvestors.co.uk and distributed through the tips, reports and/or in other products (the 'Information'). Business Investors shall endeavor to provide its services to the best of its ability and in doing so shall exercise the care that may be expected of it. It will strive to attempt to display the Information, charts, comments and/or other analysis to the best of its ability, but the User acknowledges and accepts that the Information may be subject to change and/or may no longer be accurate. Business Investors cannot be held liable for buying or selling financial products based on the Information. Business Investors does not guarantee that the conclusions it formulates and the signals and/or advice given will result in profit or loss.
The User acknowledges and accepts that investing implies risk and that neither Business Investors nor its appointees and/or its internal/external employees can be held liable in any way for the consequences of the information, tips, reports and/or products shared through thehappyinvestors.co.uk website. The User acknowledges and accepts that he/she is responsible for the choices he/she makes and takes note that it is strictly prohibited to reproduce, disclose and/or communicate in any way the Information, tips, reports and products to third parties.
References and/or hyperlinks to other websites not owned by Business Investors are only included to inform the User. Business Investors does not provide any guarantee and cannot be held liable regarding the content of these websites.
Anyone who invests money takes a financial risk. Returns can be higher but also lower than average and will fluctuate more depending on the risk associated with an investment. Every form of investing has good times and bad times. Winning and losing trades will alternate. Financial markets can be extremely volatile (moveable). Very violent price movements cannot be anticipated or avoided. Extreme price movements can cause large losses and large gains .
Past performance is no guarantee for the future!
Investing always involves risks. You run the risk of losing some or all of your money. Be aware of this, keep thinking independently and make your own choices. All I do is share my experiences with you. In doing so, I always try to indicate the risk as much as possible, but I am not responsible for the completeness of all risks. As the owner and creator of the Business Investors Community, I am also not responsible for any losses in investing by following tips & opinions within the community. A full explanation of the disclaimer can be found under article 17.
By accepting the terms and conditions you agree that Jorik Vermeulen of Business Investors Community can in no way be held liable for any losses of money or other things due to following tips and opinions within the Business Investors Community. It is 100% your own responsibility when you decide to invest where the possibility of losing some or all of your stake is possible. You also have a duty of your own to research the risks in investing before entering. Never get in with 100% of your money. Invest only with money that you accept you can lose completely. Always choose the lowest possible risk and always choose maximum diversification through diversified investment portfolio in as many different investment products as possible with typically low risk as monitored under AFM supervision.
Article 17 - Disclaimer Business Investors community and businessinvestors.info
The following applies to the website businessinvestors.info and the Business Investors Community you are viewing. By using pages of this website, you agree to this disclaimer. In addition to this disclaimer, the Privacy Policy as found at businessinvestors.info also applies.
The owner of businessinvestors.info is not a real estate broker, investment expert, investment advisor or financial advisor. The website businessinvestors.info does not allow you to enter into or close real estate investments or equity investments, nor does any other form of investment and investing. No direct financial investment products are sold, nor is Entrepreneur an intermediary to financial transactions. The website businessinvestors.info is not an online buying website and does not do business on behalf of real estate investors and/or equity investors and/or any other form of investing or investing.
The website businessinvestors.info is only an online referral platform that refers visitors to websites and companies where you can enter into or conclude real estate and/or equity and/or other investments. As a visitor to this website, you can use this referral service completely free of charge. The owner of this website is not responsible for the content on websites and files linked to this website. Within the community, e-learning videos and investment reports, opinions, insights and experiences to investing are occasionally shared by Entrepreneur. However, Entrepreneur is not an investment advisor and therefore does not provide binding advice or binding buying tips. Always seek the advice of a professional before making an investment decision.
The owner of this website strives to keep the content of this website relevant, accurate and beautifully presented. Nevertheless, all information on this website must be verified. The owner of this website is not liable and responsible for the accuracy of the information displayed and possible inaccuracies of the information displayed. Therefore, please proceed with caution.
The owner of this website is in no way liable for damages in any form that might be caused by decisions made by third parties based on information provided by us.
If you decide to browse this website or within the community and obtain information, you must accept that the content of this website is not intended to give advice, recommend business or invite participation in any form of investment or investments. You should conduct your own research, assess the risk and take any precautions to protect yourself. You should always seek legal advice from an authorized or appropriate independent financial advisor. The website businessinvestors.info does not provide financial advice or recommendations in any form.
The owner of this website is not responsible for contact that occurs between visitors and third parties. Visitors who decide to invest through a third party do so entirely on their own responsibility. Investors should always consult suitable experts for appropriate advice before making the investment decision.
The owner of this website cannot be held liable for losses incurred. The owner of this website cannot be held liable for actions, omissions or errors of third parties with whom investors may do business as a result of information made available by the owner of this website.
Investors recognize that real estate, real estate projects, stocks, ETFs and any other form of investment product may involve different or greater risks in some countries and that the potential for profit or loss from investment transactions in certain countries may be affected by fluctuations in exchange rates.
In connection with reports, documentation, texts and information provided, the owner of this website does not represent anyone and the owner of this website does not guarantee the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the content as a whole. Investors should always seek advice from professionals in the field regarding specific information.
On certain pages at businessinvestors.info you can consult calculations, statistics, estimates and interpretations, together with estimates of commercial potential by the owner of this website. These calculations, statistics, interpretations and estimates of the commercial potential by the owner of this website are purely informative and in no way indicate how interesting and profitable a project or investment really is or will be. After all, unforeseen events may occur in the future, as a result of which a potentially interesting investment may lead to a partial or complete loss of investment. The owner of this website cannot be held liable for actions of visitors as a result of this information provided by the owner of this website.
The owner of this website makes no guarantee that any event will increase and enhance the value of investors' investment. Real estate prices, share prices and prices of other investment products, as well as its potential or expected annual returns can change rapidly and may move either downward or upward. The past is not necessarily a guide to the future. The real estate and stock markets, as well as other investment markets, could become less liquid making it more difficult to sell. They could also become more risky due to changes at the micro, meso and macro levels. Consider cultural changes, a financial crisis, a health crisis and other fundamental events that could drastically change society and the investment world. Either negative or positive change. Investors should always contact appropriate professional advisors to obtain tailored advice before investing or not.
No rights can be derived from all data and information on this website. The improper or unauthorized use of the content or parts thereof constitute an infringement of intellectual rights. To use the displayed content or parts thereof in publicly accessible places, you must first obtain written permission from the owner of this website.
If you have any questions or doubts about this disclaimer, please contact the owner of this website. Please keep in mind that investing always involves risk. When investing, it is possible that you will lose (part of) money. No matter how low the risk, or how safe you consider the investment, there is always risk and therefore, as the responsible person, you should apply the right degree of risk diversification and other measures, such as investing only with money you can spare.
Please leave the website businessinvestors.info or the Business Investors community immediately if you do not agree with this disclaimer.